Thursday, June 7, 2018

Hello, Mountains, Here We Come! (Post # 6)

We left Moab a little later than usual because we only had about 270 miles to drive today.  The GPS said we'd arrive at our destination around 2:00.  So, allowing for our usual stops for fuel and to stretch that means 2:30.  That was SO not true!  For 70 somewhat miles we drove through Utah to get to Douglas Pass in Colorado to go through the mountains and then back to Utah on the other side.

Douglas Pass is located in the Bookcliff Mountains in Garfield County, Colorado, 8,268 feet about sea level.  

There were many "snake" signs, as I call them, and switch back signs through this pass.  The picture below shows a switch back sign--which is a complete U-turn and takes you going back in the same direction. You can see the speed limit underneath.  The next set of pictures is taken going through the Western Rocky Mountains.  There was a sign telling us that there were ten of these switch backs in a 4-mile stretch going through this set of mountains.  And yes, the speed limit on all of them was 15.

 We finally found a pullout big enough for the RV.  Paul is looking back at the section we just came through.   Just beautiful!

We took about a 14 mile detour to go to Dinosaur National Monument to get some post cards to send to the kids.  Of course, every road we travel on seems to have construction going on, and this one was no exception.  LONG delays on this road, but I did get a little knitting in.  I certainly didn't get any knitting time going through the mountain. I was too busy holding on!

                   One truck driver must not have paid much attention to the 15 mph speed limit.
           We had a delay here, too. We heard later that the driver wasn't injured.  Thank you, Jesus!
                                  I know just how far down it is on the other side of that rail!

Take note of this picture. You will see more like it, but from a different angle.  That's because of all the switch backs.  Each time we made those turns there was a different view of the Green River.

A beautiful drive.  We arrived at our park about 4:30.  I'm so thankful that Paul is such a good driver!
Ready for another adventure tomorrow.  

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