Saturday, June 30, 2018

Denali to Mat Su (Post # 23)

June 29
After leaving our park this morning we went back into Denali to see a few more things at the Visitors' Center and to watch the dog sled demonstration.  We didn't have time for these on Wednesday--our bus ride was too long.  
*(Make sure to read the important message at the bottom of the page!)

 Denali has the only working dog sled team in the United States.  Because Denali is wilderness, commercial vehicles are not permitted anywhere in the park except on the roads.  The dogs are used for hauling construction supplies, research equipment and researchers, and other needs in and out of the park. All the dogs were very friendly and several were available to be petted.

 Up until the time for the demonstration, the dogs were very laid back and serene.  The park ranger doing the show told us the dogs knew when it was time for them to go to work and all we had to do was clap.  When we did that they all became very excited and began barking and jumping around.  It was like they were all saying, "Pick me!"  But they only use five for the demonstration.

It was amazing to see how fast these dogs can run!

We saw on huge moose and her baby in Denali this morning and then this one on our way to Mat Su.

The only "igloo" we've seen. At least that what the sign says it is.

The flowers are SO plentiful in Alaska!

We stopped at Trapper Creek to visit Wal-Mike's, a famous stop along the Parks Highway, and to see a friend we made at McKinley B&B where we stayed in 2015.

 We missed this last time so we wanted to make sure we stopped.  Paul even got propane there, and I found a couple of little bags to hold knitting supplies.

This is the Bed and Breakfast.  They've made a few updates since we were here.

 Rene and Rodney have a beautiful place!

Rene's flowers.

 One of the last things we saw before getting to our park in Mat Su--a great reminder that Jesus is our Rock on whom we stand.  I need Him all the time, but especially during this hard time of grief.

*An important note on the More Photos link!  Paul has rearranged the pictures so that you don't have to scroll through all of them to get to the current date's photos. (Do I hear some applause out there?)  Now, the current pictures are at the top when you open the link. Hope you enjoy!

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